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A List of Powerful Thesis Topic Ideas in Economics

Economic research area is very broad, so you can write about almost anything if you have to choose a thesis topic idea. A good idea is to look through economic journals and find an interesting study topic there. You don’t have to choose a serious, complicated problem. As long as economic methods or approaches can be applied to answer a research question, it works out.

You should select a subject the you consider interesting and a research method that you’re familiar with. There are three main kinds of thesis to write, such as theoretical, empirical, and surveys. You should decide which one you would like to work on and choose a topic accordingly. The following list of sample powerful thesis topic ideas in economics is designed to help you come up with your own one:

  1. Taxation policy and innovation development: a case study of (a state).
  2. Write about taxation policies in a particular state and analyze their impact on development of local innovation markets.

  3. An analysis of energy market in Germany: significant changes after Fukushima nuclear disaster.
  4. Find out what changed on the energy market of Germany after a nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011 and what economic effects this caused.

  5. Drivers of government expenditures: evidence from (a state).
  6. Discover what drives government expenditures in a particular state and how people can make changes that they consider important.

  7. International trade and the environment: important aspects.
  8. Analyze how international trade influences increase of environmental impact in third-world countries, what natural resources are overused, and how international corporations mitigate global warming effects.

  9. Development of natural resources and government policies: international corporations vs. local citizens.
  10. Investigate how international corporations lobby their interests and why the interests of the local citizens are often neglected.

  11. Contemporary issues in trade policy and trade in (a country).
  12. Choose a country and describe what serious issues in trade policy and trade companies face there, explain the causes and effects of current trade policy, and provide potential solutions.

  13. An economic analysis of male happiness in the pursuit of ideal body.
  14. Analyze how much money men spend while doing sports and going to beauty salons in the pursuit of the ideal body as it’s described in fashion magazines.

  15. Estimating demand for travel insurance: lessons from (a country).
  16. Estimate how many people travel annually, why they need travel insurance, and how much money they’re willing to spend on it.

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